92-soos Klaus Jorn, hedeboegnens

Klaus Jorn

Stalke Out Of Space#9

Place: Hedeboegnens Kunstkreds, Taastrup

9.5.to 20.6. 1992


Klaus Jorn.


Opening exhibition with Klaus Jorn on May 9, 1992,

At Hedeboegnens Kunstkreds.

In collaboration with Stalke Kunsthandel, Hedeboegnens Kunstkreds, Poppel Alle 12, 2630 Tåstrup, opens a major solo exhibition with Klaus Jorn.

Klaus Jorn debuted in 1987 in New York, and in 1989 his first solo exhibition was arranged here at home in Galleri Stalke. Since then, there have been several interesting exhibitions and projects, most recently a major decoration assignment for J. Lauritzen on one of Danyard’s new ships.

Klaus Jorn’s paintings reveal a rich and open mind, full of action, drama, and irony, where fragmented organic elements and figures create the pictorial space.
The paintings are often constructed based on the strong contrast between manhood and the instinctive feeling of childhood.
Authentic states of deep psychological fragments are experienced and expressed through time displacements in Klaus Jorn’s artistic development.

In the paintings, there is an honest and untarnished urge to portray a strong and spontaneous creative process, which, with a network of varied figures and life-giving thoughts, leads him to free Outsider art.

The exhibition closes on June 20, 1992.

Open every day of the week.

sam Jedig/Stalke Kunsthandel

Klaus Jorn certainly carries the heavy shadow of his father over him. So, in theory, he should be crawling around, crushed flat. But he does not. He paints with great energy, and since his debut in New York in 1987, there has been quite a buzz around him.

Here at home, it is Sam Jedig and Galleri Stalke who have believed in junior Jorn, and in collaboration with Hedeboegnens Kunstkreds, Jorn is now exhibiting separately. The images are spontaneous works, where fragmented organic elements and figures create the pictorial space.

The exhibition can be seen at Stalke until June 20.
